Sunday, May 3, 2009

What can we do to make our children concentrate and work on spellings in class or even at home?

The usual question parents ask or are worried about is how they can make the child concentrate in studies or in any work they do. I know it is tough and as teachers we really need to make sure everyone is focused. But, it is not only up to the teachers to make sure children are really concentrating and learning, right?

For concentration, this is what we can do- instead of sitting in the usual place for study (the classroom) take the class out in the park or on the field. In the class, they usually want to know what the other person is doing, but outside they were really at ease and read out the lesson for them role play the stories or lessons with them. It can be real fun.

Learning spellings can be real tough for some kids and teachers can actually help kids by making this is a fun exercise.

Let the children play teacher and they do love playing teacher, believe me. Let them teach you the words they are learning to spell. You can spell them orally (out loud). Let them correct you and then have them dictate to you and you write them. Have them score your paper. This can be exciting for kids in elementary school and also be a good and interesting way to learn spellings. For teachers, if there are a lot of kids in class, this can be done in pairs in the class too.

Listening skills also help with spelling. "What letter does ‘soccer’, end with?” What letter does 'travel' begin with?" Play these games just for a few moments as they are having breakfast or eating a snack to develop their ability to hear sounds in words.

Write one word on a piece of paper. Leave space underneath it. Tell them to look at it as long as they want, that is, until they can remember the letters, and then have them fold the paper so that they cannot see the word. Then tell them write the word from memory. In case it is misspelled, then they can try again later.

This one is also a good exercise where they have to find the wrong word. Write a short sentence for. Tell them that there is one word spelled incorrectly. Ask them to see if they can find it. To begin, make it a rather obviously misspelled word. Leave a letter out, or add an extra letter to a word. Ask them to first read the sentence, then to circle the misspelled word. Then make sure you erase it and write it correctly. This can work wonders for the child to learn spellings faster.

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